Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A veritable treasure chest of pirate updates.

Apologies to the faithful that have been checking hourly for updates. I've been busy (read: working overnights, watching samurai flicks) the last two weeks, but I resolve, to you, that my updates will be either a) more frequent, or b) . . . I was going to say "insightful" or "researched", but that sorta goes against the nature of blogging.
Anyhow, on to the newz.
Our nation's public broadcaster weighed in on piracy today... Notably, it informs us that "water covers three-quarters of the globe," and that, thank Blackbeard, there are more pirates then ever, which has led to increased shipping rates, which in turn leads to a bump at our cash registers. Now, I know we're in a cyclical economic downturn, one in which I'm more than likely to lose my job. But I'd rather pay an extra $2 dollars for my groceries and have real friggin pirates out there hassling sailors than having a marginal discount on bananas and coffee. That shit's cheap enough as it is.
What the author, one Thomas Rose, speculates is that there ought to be an international tribune to deal with arrested pirates, because these high-sea knaves are essentially stateless, but still are entitled to fundamental human rights.
This, frankly, is terrible news. Pirates aren't nearly as much of a threat to anyone's livelihood as say, terrorists, drug cartels, organized crime, or international sex predators (a field in which Canada has shone quite brightly lately).
But what they do do (ha, doodoo) is strike at the collective purse of the West. And consequentially, as well. I can't imagine there being more than 5,000 or so around the world (absolutely no basis to this estimation, but it sounds right. 5,000 pirates. Yeah.), but they've done more to actually hinder institutions, from Lloyd's to navies to the UN to whatever, then any guerrilla force or insurgent group. And they do so with remarkably few casualties.
So, potential freedom fighters and resistors around the world: piracy is your future. Embrace it.

In ships being captured, Reuters and Xinhua are both reporting on this little tidbit. This time, a Dubai-based ship. Pretty sure they can afford to pay whatever ransom is necessary if they're coming from Dubai. Also, great news for the captors of the MV Faina, that Ukrainian ship loaded with tanks, rifles, and other arms. Looks like they're getting their dues, and rightfully so. Nice colour from Xinhau, noting that the Faina is moored just offshore of the town of Hobyo, which translates to "Here, Water," although "Here, Lawlessness" and "Here, Economic Opportunity for Downtrodden Riflemen" are probably more accurate.

REAL SWASHBUCKLERS (note the coolness of the black Zodiacs leeching off of the French pleasure yacht):

FAKE PIRATES (ugh, this is more than excuse for jihad):

Happy huntin'. Also, please, someone, comment. I know at least three people read this blog, but I've yet to have one comment. First to do so gets a drink.